pasta for the confused

Put required amount of pasta on to cook (assuming that, with boiling time, your pasta takes about 20 minutes)
In wok/frying pan/something else put generous amount of olive oil, chopped garlic (fresh, dried, jar, paste, whatever), some basil, a tsp or thereabouts of capers, and some pepper. Put on low heat.
Chop up cherry tomatoes. Put in pan with herbs and garlic. If you have no fresh tomatoes, a tin will do at a push.
Chuck a couple of anchovies in the tomato-pan.
Prod with spoon.
Add some water, boil and reduce.
The more prodding, the more it all breaks up.
Do washing up from last two days.
Prod pasta for a change.
Make tea.
Turn pasta off, drain, lob in pan with tomato sauce, prod for a bit.
Discover there is not only no grated cheese, there is no sodding cheese.
Put it in chipped bowl, allow to cool as you've just put boiling tomato sauce in a bowl, ffs, it's not ready.
Write blog post.
Turn radio off.
Turn Sanctuary on.