little nubbin of emmenthal

G wants his own blog post, apparently I don't talk about him enough (not that he ever reads this, he's got better things to do).

Here ya go, petal. It's half yours, there's even a photo...

The rest of the time, I'm going to bitch about English grammar. I just want to scream "why so difficult?!?" and then burn the fucking textbooks. All those parts of speech! Who really, honestly, gives a monkeys about it?

Oh, yeah, EFL teachers. Like me.

Na Janta 4 | At Dinner 4

Mais uns bonecos na janta, não são o "Wolverine" nem o "Spider-Man", mas devem sobreviver...

A couple more doodles at dinner, they're not "Wolverine" nor "Spider-Man", they'll be ok...

Process 2

Agora já temos a prancha artefinalizada com pincel nº1 e tinta da china mais várias canetas digitalizada.
A seguir... iremos corrigir alguns erros, fazer chuva no terceiro e quarto painel e acrescentar uns cinzentos para dar "temperatura" e "mood" à cena.

Now we have the page inked with number one paintbrush in china's ink and a few pens scanned.
Next... well'be fixing some mistakes and add rain in the third and fourth panel, and add a few greys to add temperature and mood to the page.


Já queria fazer isto há algum tempo, postar o processo de execução de uma prancha de BD, desde o texto á balonagem...

1º- Preciso de ter o texto mais ou menos final, pois só assim posso brincar e fazer corresponder as expressões dos personagens e cenários.

2º- É melhor planear antes pois corremos o risco de gastar mais páginas ou esgotar-se a criatividade a meio de uma página.

3º- Um lápis mais ou menos solto, conforme o grau de confiança que temos em cada plano, gosto de ter os lápis descontraídos pois preciso de alguma liberdade para passar a tinta da china.

I've wanted to do yhis for a while now, to post the execution process of one sequential page, from text to lettering...

1st- Usually i need the text mor or less final, because then i can play with the character's and set's expressions.

2nd- It´s better to plan ahead, because one risks spending more pages than he should, or running out of creativity in the middle of the page.

3rd- A kind of loose pencils, according to the trust you have in each particular panel, i like to have relaxed pencils, because i need some freedom to ink.

E Venham Mais 58!

Este fim-de-semana começou o 4º Festival Internacional de Banda Desenhada de Beja, e abriu em beleza com o lançamento do Venham + 5 nº5.
Desta feita em jeito comemorativo, versão XXL, pois tem reunidos 58 autores de Portugal, Brasil, Espanha, Alemanha e dos Estados Unidos.
Já tenho o meu exemplar, e digo-vos tá gordinho...
A convite da organização (obrigado Paulo!) participei com esta banda desenhada que vos deixo na língua de Shakespeare, para uma divulgação mais alargada.

This weekend started the 4º Festival Internacional de Banda Desenhada de Beja (4th Beja's International Comics Festival), and it opened with a Bang, since the organization released the fifth "Venham + 5". This time in a commemorative fashion, version XXL in it we can find 58 authors from Portugal, Brasil, Spain, Germany and United States. I already have my copy, and let me tell you guys, it's really juicy...
Being invited by the organization (thanks Paulo!) we participated with this story, wich i leave you guys in Shaskespeare's language for a wider promotion.

Na Janta 3 | At Dinner 3

Novamente ao jantar, desta feita na Tertúlia do Lino e já com uma concentração etílica apreciável saiu-me o visual da "boneca" que será protagonista da próxima BD que já está no prelo...temos sedução, inocência, órgãos, sexo e sangue de sobra. Tudo num modesto pacote de seis páginas...brevemente...

Again at dinner, this time at Lino's comics gathering and with a significative percentage of alcohol came out the visual concept of my new "babe", leading character of my next story wich is already being made...hw have seduction, innocence, organs, sex and blood for all...upcoming...

today in news

G is back. Yay for sex and cuddles and being brought tea in bed.

I have my first exam in exactly a week. I'm worrying just enough to want to go hide under the duvet and not come out.

I'm on the heel on the second sock. So self-impressed.

Mouse infestation: day whatever, but my landlord is an arse, so I'm moving. After I find a housemate.

I've had a haircut. It's been termed the "post-cancer kylie" look. My hair is now officially brown, so I might have to dye it again.