A fasquia estava bem alta, o que me envaideceu. Só isso já era motivação de sobra, mas a história do Eric e os seus pontos de vista eclipsaram quaisquer dúvidas.
É a minha primeira colaboração internacional, mesmo assim fiquei orgulhoso do nosso trabalho, o que acham?
Eric Skillman - História e cores
JCoelho - Traço/cinzentos e balonagem
Recently, this past December, I had the privilege of being invited by Eric Skillman (ericskillman.com), Art Director for the Criterion Collection, Illustrator, Writer and (to my surprise) a wonderfull colorist, to work in "EGG Hard-Boiled Stories" featuring talents like Connor Willumsen, Jhomar Soriano, Joe Dellagata and Dan Duncan.
The bar was high and I was really flattered to enter.
This alone was motivation enough, but Eric's story and points of view, really of sold the deal for me.
It's my first international collaboration, and i'm proud of our work, what do you guys think?
Eric Skillman - Story and colours
JCoelho - Pencils/Inks/greys and lettering