O processo foi bastante fluido, começei por alaborar diversos esboços que mostrei ao Sérgio, depois combinámos os elementos que achámos mais relevantes para descrever a narrativa do filme. Depois de arte-finalizada, corrigimos valores de cor e passámos a design no qual tive a preciosa ajuda do Sérgio Duque (ver links dos marujos).

A couple weeks ago, Andar Filmes productions invited me to do one of my favorite kind of works, a movie poster. This picture "Corações Plásticos" (Plastic Hearts) a short-movie, written and directed by Sérgio Brás d'Almeida focuses in several couples stuck in a infernal traffic jam, with their nerves on a boiling point...
The process was quite fluid, started elaborating various sketches wich i showed to Sérgio, then we combined the elements that we thought more vital to describe the picture's story. After inked, we changed some colour values and went to design, in wich i had Sergio Duque's precious help (see sailor's links).